(interview conducted by Barry Smith, Regional Director (TN, North GA) and MINTS Prison Theological Education Coordinator)
Timothy professed faith in Christ when he was nine years old, but he didn’t start really walking with him until he was 29 and in a Georgia State Prison
Timothy said that he lived in rebellion for years after he made his profession of faith. He said, “I had massive doubt in my heart.” He didn’t believe there was a God, and if there was a God, he didn’t believe that God cared for him at all. So, he lived his life however he wanted. He did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. In his rebellion, he committed what he called “heinous crimes.” His crimes resulted in his being sent to prison four times. He is currently serving a twenty-year sentence.
On the third day of his current incarceration, another prisoner, a Christ-following prisoner, talked to Timothy and challenged him to quit blaming God for his circumstances. “Run to him instead of away from him,” that prisoner said. You’ll see. God will redeem you from the terrible pit that you’re in.”
“That was March 23, 2003, and some amazing things have happened since then,” said Timothy.
While at Phillips State Prison, Timothy earned a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
He was then transferred to Walker State Prison where he received a mentor from Metanoia Prison Ministries. Since then, his mentor has proved to be one of the best friends he’s ever had.
At Walker, Timothy enrolled in MINTS Seminary-in-Prison program and has completed the requirements for a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. Recently, he was names as a teaching assistant for MINTS Seminary classes at Walker.
“I believe that God has given me the gift of teaching. It is a passion for me. It is my hope to become a MINTS Seminary professor while in prison. I want to help educate and prepare my prisoner peers for Christian ministry, and after I am released, I’d like to keep coming back to teach for MINTS Seminary-in-Prison.”