His Presence Made All the Difference

This pandemic has levied a heavy toll. Several people I know had loved ones and dear friends killed by the virus. We worry about friends and family who are sick. Many are facing financial hardship. Isolation pushes some into depression and despair. There are so many unknowns about when and how this will end and whether life will ever return to normal. I have heard of many overcome with sadness, fear, and doubt.

With Easter being just a week ago I spent some time meditating on the resurrection accounts in the Scripture and something struck me in John. Mary was sad. She stood weeping outside the tomb (John 20:11). The disciples were afraid. They locked themselves inside “for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19). And Thomas doubted (John 20:25). Sadness, fear, and doubt. The same things that many of us experience right now. In those cases what Mary, the disciples and Thomas most needed was Jesus. He came to them and it was his presence that chased away the sadness, the fear, and the doubt.

I don’t want to be simplistic. Many of us face significant hardship and I don’t want to make light of that. But I do think that there is something for us in the accounts of those post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. When his friends were suffering Jesus did not leave them alone. He came to them. And it was his being with them that made the difference.

When we are broken and crushed, when we anxious and afraid, when we are apprehensive for the future, we can put our trust in the truth that he will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). What should we do when we are sad or afraid or doubt? Seek Jesus. That doesn’t mean that our troubles will automatically disappear. But it does mean that we can have confidence that Jesus is with us and will give us what we need so that we can persevere.

Much love,






His Presence Made the


Gratitude for His Provision


He Loved Them to the End