We Disciple Prisoners.
"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed…"
JOHN 8:36
The most important work of the church is the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Metanoia, as an agency of Christ’s church, sends preachers and teachers of the Word into prisons and other facilities to call men and women to repent of their sins and believe on Jesus Christ alone for salvation and everlasting life.
Through the ministries of our Regional Directors, prisoners hear the Word of God preached in worship services, and taught in Bible studies, and other in-person meetings. Our Regional Directors seek to cultivate long-term relationships with those that attend these meetings. Some prisoners remain in these groups for years, growing in their love for Christ and in Christian maturity. Volunteers may also accompany our Regional Directors in order to be equipped to lead prison Bible studies of their own.
Metanoia exists to disciple prisoners and connect them to the church of Jesus Christ. We do this in three main ways:
Our Correspondence Ministry, Mentoring Ministry, and Reintegration Ministry.
(See ministry pages for more information)
Metanoia helps churches grow in their awareness of the great need that exists in prisons. We seek to educate and equip the body of Christ for the work of doctrinally sound and relationally meaningful prison ministry. We provide resources and consultation to churches seeking to establish a prison ministry in their own local areas. Our Regional Directors visit churches in their regions to give presentations and to seek support for their work. They also recruit and train prison ministry volunteers in their regions. Our Executive Director travels throughout North America speaking at churches, conferences, and other events with the goal of calling Christ’s church to greater faithfulness in visiting those Christ calls “the least of these, My brethren…” (Matt. 25:37-40).
“Metanoia” is a Greek word that is translated “repentance” in the New Testament. It refers to God’s supernatural work of setting sinners free from spiritual bondage to a life of joy and peace in Jesus Christ.
Check out this video to learn more about Metanoia